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Information Call Center Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00am - 11:00pm 

To Order Tickets, Call:
(855) 773-6283

Bilingual Ronstadt Revue featuring Gesenia

Bilingual Ronstadt Revue featuring Gesenia
Tickets for Bilingual Ronstadt Revue featuring Gesenia can be purchased online or by calling:
The Robinson Grand Ticketing Center at (855)-773-6283.

Premium Ticket - $50.00
Tier 1 Ticket - $40.00
Tier 2 Ticket - $30.00
Tier 3 Ticket - $20.00

All ticket purchases are final.
Refunds will only be issued if the event is canceled or rescheduled. To seek a refund for any ticket purchase, you must purchase Ticketing Insurance that is offered at the online point of sale.
Linda Ronstadt, 11-time Grammy winner who sold over 100 million albums in country, rock, Latin, Motown, and even Broadway music, is no longer performing publicly. Yet millions of her devoted fans still long to hear the beloved songs that made up the soundtrack of their lives.

Fortunately, her incredible musical legacy now lives on through the stunning talents of Gesenia and her Ronstadt Revue. Every Ronstadt Revue show, performed in painstaking detail in both English and Spanish, covers every musical genre of Ms. Ronstadt’s 40+ year career. 
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