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Information Call Center Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00am - 11:00pm 

To Order Tickets, Call:
(855) 773-6283

The Magical Polar Experience

The Magical Polar Experience
Tickets for The Magical Polar Experience can be purchased online or by calling: The Robinson Grand Ticketing Center at (855)-773-6283.

*VIP includes early entrance, premium seats, plus a meeting with Santa

*All Polar Packs Must Be Purchased in Advance!

VIP Ticket + Polar Packs - $85
VIP Ticket  - $57

Tier I Ticket + Polar Packs - $75
Tier I - $47

All ticket purchases are final.
Refunds will only be issued if the event is canceled or rescheduled. To seek a refund for any ticket purchase you must purchase the Ticketing Insurance that is offered at the online point of sale.
All aboard for The Magical Polar Experience!

Join us this holiday season for an interactive movie experience unlike any other! Upon arrival, you’ll be greeted by musicians, a conductor, and stow-a-ways who will punch your tickets. Only then will you be seated where the fun will truly begin! Please come dressed in your pajamas and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime!

This magical event includes: a full screening of THE POLAR EXPRESS (2004) on the big screen, live musical performances, dancers and Prima Ballerinas, the northern lights, a visit to the North Pole, a visit from the Big Guy, numerous photo opportunities, and plenty more surprises.

Magical Polar Packs must be purchased in advance with your tickets. They include: Magic Popcorn, a "non-spill" beverage, a keepsake Believe Bell ornament, a gourmet chocolate chip cookie, a commemorative hot cocco mug, and an Engineer's hat and train whistle.
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