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Information Call Center Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00am - 11:00pm 

To Order Tickets, Call:
(855) 773-6283

Almost Queen

Almost Queen
Tickets for Almost Queen can be purchased online or by calling:
The Robinson Grand Ticketing Center at (855)-773-6283.

Premium - $77.50
Tier I - $57.50
Tier II - $47.50
Tier III - $37.50

*Ticket Prices increase $5.50 at Box Office

All ticket purchases are final.
Refunds will only be issued if the event is canceled or rescheduled. To seek a refund for any ticket purchase you must purchase Ticketing Insurance that is offered at the online point of sale.
They don't just pay tribute to the legendary band, Almost Queen transports you back in time to experience the magic and essence of Queen themselves. This deliberate four piece band is "guaranteed to blow your mind" with iconic four-part harmonies and expertly executed musical interludes. Almost Queen's impressive tribute to Queen is nothing short of breathtaking. The band's authenticity shines through in their impeccable attention to detail and genuine costumes, while their live energy and precision will leave music fans of all ages with an unforgettable concert experience.
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